Monday, July 20, 2009


I just wanted to tell Cody Happy birthday and that I love you so so much. I cant believe that 16 years ago I was trying to push your big o'head out. You were a stubborn baby and you have grown into a stubborn teenager.
You are such a sweet kid and I have learned a lot from you. I know times have been hard but we have always stuck together and you and Tyler are my most important accomplishments that I have made in my life.
I hope that you have a great day!
I love you Cody!
Love Mom


AuntieM said...

Happy Birthday Lisa. We hope that your day was lovely. Christmas Eve activities start as earliy as you can get here. Eating about 1:00 and the Christmas Story by grandpa Bill about 3:30pm. Join us. we would love to have you.We will most likely be gon nesxt Christmas so come on down.

Laura said...

Do we have to wait until Cody's birthday to get a new post? Miss you twinner. love yer guts.